"Get Ready: U.S. Military Drone Racing!" (Source: USNDA - MDRC Overview)

Key Points:

  1. Event Announcement: The USNDA has announced the soft launch and pre-registration for the U.S. Military Drone Racing Championship set to take place over Independence Day Weekend in 2025 in Orlando, Florida.
  2. Purpose of Pre-registration: This early pre-registration aims to gauge interest levels among different service branches and competitive team categories within the military.
  3. Future Coordination: The USNDA team plans to work in January to streamline participant registrations and find lead sponsors for the event.
  4. Focus on Drone Racing Teams: The message emphasizes the importance of consolidating Department of Defense (DoD) service-level leads to establish formal Drone Racing Teams to compete at the championship.
  5. Support Structure: The USNDA will aid in forming an advisory/liaison team to facilitate communication and provide briefings to service stakeholders.
  6. Feedback Request: Individuals are encouraged to review the provided MDRC overview and submit questions through the registration form.

Executive Summary:
The USNDA has launched pre-registration for the U.S. Military Drone Racing Championship scheduled for July 2025 in Orlando, aiming to identify interest across military services. They plan to consolidate participants and secure sponsorships in early 2024, with an emphasis on establishing formal Drone Racing Teams. Stakeholders are urged to review the overview and contribute questions to shape the event.

Original Link: https://www.usnda.org/mdrc

12ft.io Link: https://12ft.io/https://www.usnda.org/mdrc
Archive.org Link: https://web.archive.org/web/https://www.usnda.org/mdrc

User Message: Team,

Happy to announce the soft launch and pre-registration for the USNDA U.S. Military Drone Racing Championship over Independence Day Weekend, 2025 in Orlando Florida.

The purpose of releasing pre-registration via informal channels early is to identify “pockets of interest” at each service and competitive team category. No action other than registration is needed now - the USNDA team will work in January to help consolidate participants and identify lead service level sponsors for the event.

Specifically for this group - please help consolidate DoD service level leads that can help represent the interests of the service in establishing a formal Drone Racing Team to compete. The USNDA will help establish an advisory/liaison team to help consolidate effort and provide briefings as needed to service stakeholders.

Please review the MDRC overview and provide questions via the registration form. DM with NIPR email if you would like to receive this link via an email from the USNDA team.

For this group specifically interested in Advise/Assist Team candidates.

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