Where to find Group 1 sUAS permissions?

Does anyone have a comprehensive list of sUAS/Group 1 authorities (and permissions) for DOD? Or any leads besides the NDAA?


For Army, reference AR95-1. Its getting dated and was created for group 3 up and then dumped on group 1 and 2 operators (Typical Army eh…)

But it’s still the base doc/bible for UAS rules and regs until AR 67 gets released. And that fucking thing has been in the works for 3+ years now.

Marines have way better rules and regs than Army, and not sure what Navy and Airforce reference. Somebody in here does.

Theres a couple of smarter than me UAS Master Trainers in here that should have some answers as well

Just go start with:
CJCSI 3255.01 - DoD
TC 3-04.62 - Army
AFMAN 11-502 - Air Force
NAVMC 3500.107 - USN/USMC
They will take you down the rabbit hole.

You can also use google.

Chris T