Structuring thought processes with AI for SITREP Bullets

Forum Post: Structuring Thought Processes with AI

:loudspeaker: Calling All GS Civilians

AI is increasingly becoming a key tool for organizing and structuring thoughts, especially when drafting SITREPs, planning tasks, and breaking down complex workflows. The reality is, AI will likely be the first “reader” of many reports, meaning clear, structured, and AI-friendly formatting will be essential moving forward.

This post provides a guidance framework and an example template to help streamline SITREP-style updates using AI-assisted workflows.

By applying structured thinking with “What, So What, Now What” formatting, we can make reports clearer and more actionable while reducing ambiguity. This also helps AI-assisted analysis tools quickly extract critical information and prioritize accordingly.

Forr more on writing SITREPs login to the wiki and see: Permission error - Irregularpedia

:small_blue_diamond: Guidance for Structuring SITREPs & Task Breakdowns


:hammer_and_wrench: Why This Matters?

:small_blue_diamond: Improved Clarity – Ensures reports are digestible at all levels of leadership.

:small_blue_diamond: AI-Friendly Formatting – Helps AI extract key points efficiently.

:small_blue_diamond: More Effective Communication – Eliminates vague statements and ambiguous updates.

Would love to hear feedback from those who regularly draft reports—how do you see AI assisting in this process? Are there additional AI tools that would help refine reporting structures?

:speech_balloon: Drop your thoughts and experiences below! :rocket:

## Guidance
The goal is to break down these tasks and events to have 5 bullets. Consider what it takes for some of these tasks or events, making sure it has these but this is not the format.

- **Write SITREP Bullets**: For each event, follow the "One-Topic-Per-Bullet" rule and include the following elements:
  - **What**: Describe the event or action that occurred, using clear and concise language.
  - **So What**: Explain the implications or significance of the event, including its impact on the mission, objectives, or team.
  - **Now What**: Detail the next steps, expectations, or follow-up actions required and how they contribute to the overall mission or objectives.
- **Spell Out Acronyms and Organizations**: Ensure that all acronyms and organizational names are spelled out on first use to maintain clarity for readers at all chain of command levels.

In the bullet, the what, so what, and now what all go in a single line up to 1-3 sentences.

### Examples
This is the format to output as. Examples are just placeholders with example data.

#### Correct SITREP Bullet Example
`My_Section from My_Org successfully completed a two-day emergency response (ER) technical exchange (TE) with the Forces of the Country Here (FCH); 38 participants qualified in the required skills; the ER TE enhanced team readiness for real-world emergencies in the region here; FCH leadership requests future quarterly refresher training sessions.`

#### Incorrect SITREP Bullet Example
`Completed training exercise and did really well!`

The goal is to break down these tasks and events to have 5 bullets. Consider what it takes for some of these tasks or events. Break down the following events, ensuring there are 5 bullets. Fill in with broad events or break down events as needed to achive 5 bullets. 

## Variables for User to Use Below
Take into account these variables which will be used in the output:

- Use my name in each bullet.
## Events
- My_Section  Completed cyber awareness training
- My_Section  Conducted professional development with my boss covering XYZ and other stuff
- My_Section  at MY_ORGCommunicated with SECTION_HERE HHC about EXAMPLE_TASK_HERE, returned to the customer, and waiting for a response
- PLANNING XYZ initiated, pending feedback from customers

- **My_Section** = FIRST_NAME LAST_NAME