How to Disable Connected Experiences in MS Word for Privacy

Microsoft Word includes certain Connected Experiences that may analyze your content. Follow the steps below to turn off these features if you’d like more privacy. source

  1. Open Microsoft Word

Launch Microsoft Word on your computer.

  1. Navigate to Options

Go to File > Options.

  1. Access Trust Center

In the Options menu, select Trust Center from the sidebar.

  1. Open Trust Center Settings

Click on Trust Center Settings.

  1. Select Privacy Options

In the Trust Center, choose Privacy Options.

  1. Adjust Privacy Settings

Find Privacy Settings within the Privacy Options section.

  1. Disable Connected Experiences

Look for the Connected Experiences option and uncheck Turn on experiences that analyze your content.

Note: Turning off this feature may limit some experiences within MS Word.

  1. Save and Close

Click OK to save your settings and close the menu.

Now, your content will no longer be analyzed by Microsoft’s Connected Experiences in MS Word.