These are some CHN and RUS information warfare documents that deal with the underlying principles for how these countries approach information warfare. Happy to discuss or dig for more if interested.
2017 05 Kremlin Kontrol (Thomas)(1).pdf (2.3 MB)
China s Three Warfares Origins Applications and Organizations.pdf (587.8 KB)
Cognitive_Schemas_and_Disinfor.pdf (1.2 MB)
Forms and Methods of Information Warfare _ Komov(1).pdf (159.7 KB)
Handbook on Russian Information Warfare.pdf (418.1 KB)
Conceptual Views Regarding the Activities of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in the Information Space.pdf (576.1 KB)
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Also this one, which is also a foundational concept in RUS warfare in general.
On Reflective Enemy Control in a Military Conflict - Ionov.pdf (219.9 KB)
See the reports section in the wiki
Though it is mostly open source ccp influence efforts ands tactics